INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN PROJECTSI create this PPP presentation based on the Instructional Design Project that I have created during the academic year 2006-2007 on the C&TE program, College of Technology, Bowling Green State University.
Then I thought to give some more details about these project.
Please feel free to write your comments.
MAJOR PROJECT (2007 - Present)
TOPIC: Music Technology II (conversion of a face-to-face music course into an online format). AUDIENCES: Undergraduate and Graduate students of College of Musical Arts, Bowling Green State University.
OBJECTIVES: Research, Design, Develop, and Evaluate the conversion of three specific components of the face-to-face Music Technology II course into an online format, research distance education courses, understand the challenges that a learner will face in accessing and interacting with the type of instruction found in Music Technology II web-based course, establish the expectations and identify the important factor
s in setting these expectations, identify the best interactive asynchronous and synchronous instructional design system for the learners, introduce students to learning music online by defining and demonstrating the concepts and expectations of distance education through an orientation module, research best LMS practices to ensure an effective way for presenting learning materials in terms of content, navigation, site design and design aesthetics.INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN FOR DIGITAL ENVIRONMENTS (2007) TOPIC: Google Scholar and Google Book Search. AUDIENCES: Bowling Green State University Faculty.
OBJECTIVES: Navigate Google Scholar and Google Book Search, utilize the full capability; apply knowledge gained from these resources to improve the course that the faculty instruct. PRINCIPAL ROLES: Programmer/Writer, develop alpha prototype, develop beta module and complete final module. SKILLS/KNOWLEDGE GAINED: andragogy, computer simulations, decision-making tasks, step-by-step sequencing, learning objectives and outcomes, formative and summative learner strategies, and formative and summative evaluation strategies.
TOPIC: Music Theory. AUDIENCES: Elementary and Mιddle school students with no knowledge in music theory. OBJECTIVES: Note duration, staff, clefs and ledger lines, read and write note in ledger lines. SKILLS/KNOWLEDGE GAINED: Instructional Multimedia Design, Pedagogical Criteria (pedagogical philosophy, evaluation), Learner Interface Criteria (flexible learning environment), General Criteria (orientation to module, analysis of audience), use of Photoshop and Flash.
INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (2006) TOPIC: Survey of Western Music History. AUDIENCES: Graduate students with knowledge in Music History. OBJECTIVES: History of Western Music from the Ancient and Medieval Worlds until 20th Century. SKILLS/ KNOWLEDGE GAINED: topic outline, course description, development of program and module objectives, determines appropriate teaching points, evaluation, and recourses.